
Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I stay?
Every woman’s stay is individual. Our goal is to help you move from transitional to permanent housing and to have the ability to stay in housing. We work to help you build the resources you need, so you never face homelessness again. On average, most women accomplish their goals within nine months.
Is this a safe place?
Our facility has 24-hour staff and a security system. All visitors to the home must pass a background check. You and your baby’s safety, as well as the safety of our staff and volunteers is our top priority.
Is this program really free of charge?
No fees are charged for participating in our program. In exchange for free room and board and a wide range of supportive resources, we require participants to agree to basic requirements to help them build a healthy life. That includes working or going to school and managing finances responsibly with help from our support team. When a participant successfully graduates, they are eligible to receive aftercare support and ongoing benefits.
You are a faith-based organization. Does that mean I have to be a Christian to live here?
No. We accept women from all faiths, and those who do not practice any faith. We treat all our residents with the same respect, regardless of their personal religious beliefs. Our volunteers and staff follow Christian biblical principles, and all of our services reflect what Jesus modeled as an example of how to care and love our neighbors. Our home and program are centered around those values, and we openly share our beliefs because we believe that spiritual health is essential to well-being.
What is included in my room?
Your room is furnished with a bed, dresser, and nightstand. It also has a place for changing a baby. Once your baby is born, we have co-sleepers and pack n plays for the baby to sleep in. We provide everything you need, including towels, sheets, and personal care items. After your initial supply of items are used, you can get replenishments by working the program, or if you want specific brands, you can purchase these yourself. When you move in, you can bring personal items that will fit in the room, and we have a four-foot storage area in our basement for each mom to store additional personal items.
Will my personal possessions be secure in my room?
Yes, every resident has a lock combination for her door. No other residents may enter your room without your permission.
I’m just looking for a place to live for a couple weeks or so. Is this the right place for me?
No. Please contact the shelters if you are only looking for a roof. We are not a shelter or temporary housing unit. We provide a PROGRAM that INCLUDES transitional housing for pregnant and/or parenting single women. Our program requires participation in skill-building classes and case management and has work, education, and financial management expectations. All residents participate in the daily care of the home. We are for women who want to change the direction of their life by being willing to heal from past trauma and learn new strategies for navigating life.
We believe all women can succeed and thrive with the right help and support, regardless of what may have happened in the past. Obstacles are opportunities for overcoming! If you are ready to make a new start, we want to help you. Apply today.

The Elizabeth House is a program of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Dane County.
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